Keith Haring born an enngineer and a cartoonist on May 4, 1958 in Pennsylvania. At a young age he hitchhiked and lived off of art he made. Eventually he ended up at the School of Visual Arts in New York where he started his street art career. Keith Haring made more than 50 public works of art all around the world between 1982 to 1989. Some of his more famous works were free south africa posters and a mural on the berlin wall. Many other of his paintings had themes such as anti-apartheid, AIDS awarness and the drug epidemic. Keith was a perfect example of the new ideals of change in the 80s.
Madonna was born in Michigan in 1958 and would continue on to be one of the strongest influencers on the 80s. her music reflected what it was to be a powerful woman and went against past ideals. While performing she would wear outfits that directly reflected the time. She even wore a suit painted by Keith Haring. Madonna's story is yet another example of the american dream but with a new twist of the 80's