
Spartan Girls Who Code (SGWC)

Spartan Girls Who Code aims to inspire and empower girls to create technology for the benefit of all.

Check-In Post Survey


Open to all students, Grades 6-12. Applications will be accepted through November 2018. If the number of applicants exceeds capacity, we will use a lottery to allot seats to applicants. Applicants will be notified by December 17 of the status of their application.

Club Meetings

Saturdays 10am-noon, January 12 - April 20, with the exception of March 2, 9 and 30 and April 6 (no meetings on these four Saturdays), for a total of 10 meetings. (These dates are tentative; precise dates are subject to change until December 17.)

Meeting Location

Engineering Building, 428 S. Shaw Lane, Rooms 3320 and 3353, on the 3rd Floor, hallway that runs alongside S. Shaw.


All coders are expected to attend 80% of club meetings.


All instruction and software is provided free of charge.


If we need to cancel a club meeting (due to bad weather, instructor illness, etc), we will send mail to the parents mailing list and post a notice in the news.