Girls Who Code is a national non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology. Our programs educate, equip, and inspire girls with the computing skills they’ll need to pursue 21st century opportunities. Our Clubs Program is free and open to 6th to 12th graders. Girls learn to use computer science to impact their community and join our sisterhood of supportive peers and role models.
If you don't know how to code, we'll teach you. If you do know how to code, we'll teach you to code better. GWC is a program for everyone — anybody can learn to code.
Our club works towards the following three goals:
Help girls build identities as computer scientists by highlighting and discussing female role models and their work through Women in Tech Spotlights.
Give girls practice with computational concepts with self-guided Activity Sets and by creating a CS Impact Project through a design-build-test cycle.
Build sisterhood by connecting girls to one another and to our national community of female coders.
National GWC mandates that coders attend at least 80% of club meetings. Please notify organizers@spartangwc.org in advance of absences whenever possible.
Anatomy of a Meeting
Clubs meet for two hours each week for 10 weeks. The structure of a meeting varies over time:
Most meetings start with a spotlight on Women in Tech and continue with a short coding tutorial.
At the start of a 10-week session, coders work at their own pace through select Activity Sets.
Around the mid-point of a session, most coders have completed one or more sets and their focus shifts to collaboratively defining and building a CS Impact Project. They work in small teams to design, code, and test independent projects that go into our club gallery.
Towards the end of each meeting, coders share what they have accomplished, what they plan to work on next time, and what they need help with in a GWC Standup activity.
We try to save 10 minutes at the end of each meeting in which to kick back, socialize, play video games, or write in individual reflection journals.