
Technovation is a computer science outreach program based out of Michigan State University (MSU). The goal of Technovation is to introduce middle-school and high-school participants to the field of computer science and to a supportive network that will help sustain their interests outside of the program. MSU student instructions serve as close-peer role models. In exposing participants to the possibilities in programming, we hope to instill in participants a new excitement and confidence for their own potential to create the technology that will drive their futures. Our aim is to educate, equip, and inspire new coders with the computing skills they’ll need to pursue 21st century opportunities.

Technovation is free and open to 6th to 12th graders. It is part of the Computer Science for All movement, which works to enable all in grades K-12 to achieve computer science literacy as an integral part of their educational experience. It is a co-educational version of the successful Girls Who Code Program.

If you don't know how to code, we'll teach you. If you do know how to code, we'll teach you to code better. Technovation is a program for everyone — anybody can learn to code!


Our club works towards the following goals:

  • Help participants build identities as computer scientists by highlighting and discussing role models and their work through 'Inspiring People in Tech Spotlights.'

  • Support participants in teaching themselves and one another how to code and in collaboratively designing, creating, and testing a project of their own choosing.

  • Foster engagement by connecting participants with one another and showcasing the global coding community.


Saturdays 10am-noon, September 28 - November 23 for a total of 9 meetings.

Any changes to scheduled dates (e.g., cancellation due to weather or illness) are posted to the news by 8:00 am the morning of the change.

Meetings start promptly at 10:00 am. Coders should be signed in online by then. Late comers may find themselves falling behind.

All meetings are at the Downtown Lansing Branch of Capital Area District Libraries. Meetings are generally in a basement room. Coders should check at the front circulation desk for directions.


Participants who attend at least 7 out of 9 scheduled club meetings will be awarded certificates of completion and are eligible for small prizes. In the event that extenuating circumstances prevent attendance, please notify technovation@cadl.org prior to the absence.

Anatomy of a Typical Meeting

Clubs meet for two hours on Saturday mornings for 9 weeks. The structure of a meeting varies over time:

  • Most meetings start with a spotlight on Inspiring People in Tech and continue with a short coding lesson and mentors guiding participants in working hands-on exercises that reinforce the lesson.

  • At the start of a 9-week session, coders work with a partner at their own pace through select exercises on CodeHS.com.

  • Nearing the middle of the session, most coders have completed a core set of lessons and their focus shifts to collaboratively defining and building a project of their choice. They work in small teams to design, code, and test independent projects that go into our club gallery.

  • Towards the end of each meeting, coders share what they have accomplished, what they plan to work on next time, and what they need help with in a Standup meeting activity.

  • We try to save 10 minutes at the end of each meeting in which to kick back, socialize, or write in individual reflection journals.

Other Coding Clubs

There are many Coding Clubs in Michigan, including a few in and around Lansing:

  • East Lansing Public Library: Code Camp 3rd-5th Grade, 950 Abbot Road, East Lansing (Ph: 517-351-2420).

  • Game Start School, 2765 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor: https://www.gamestartschool.org/

  • Brighton High School, 7878 Brighton Road, Brighton. You must be a student at the school to join this Club. Please be in touch directly with your school. (GWC club)

  • Gaines Elementary School, 300 E. Lansing Street, Gaines, Michigan. (GWC club)